How Much Does Siding Cost? Get A Quote Today

How Much Does Siding Cost? Get A Quote Today

Siding is one of the most commonly replaced components in a home. Not only does it add character and curb appeal to your home, but it can also offer protection from the elements. If you’re in the market for new siding, you may be wondering how much it will cost. In this blog post, we’ll outline the different types of siding and provide a quote for the specific type of siding you need. We’ll also include information on warranty options and other important factors to consider when getting a quote.

What is Siding?

Siding is a popular way to add weather protection and style to your home. There are many different types of siding available, each with its own benefits. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of siding:

Vinyl Siding: Vinyl is probably the most common type of siding in use today. It’s affordable and easy to maintain, making it a great option for homes that aren’t in use all the time. It can be painted or stained to match your home’s exterior color scheme.

Wood Siding: Wood siding is popular for its traditional look and durability. It can be used on any side of your home, but may be more expensive than other types of siding. It can also require more care than vinyl siding, such as regular maintenance checks for moisture and insect damage.

Fiberglass Siding: Fiberglass is a newer option for homeowners looking for something unique and durable. Unlike wood or vinyl, fiberglass doesn’t require any special treatment before painting or staining it. This makes it a good choice for homes that will be used regularly but don’t need the extra protection wood or vinyl provide.

Types of Siding

There are a few different types of siding that can be used on a home. Each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. The most common type of siding is vinyl. Vinyl is a relatively new product, and it has some great features. One advantage is that vinyl is resistant to water damage. Another benefit is the ease with which it can be cleaned.

Vinyl also has some disadvantages. One downside is that it can be difficult to maintain. You will need to regularly clean it and apply sealant if you want it to last long. Another disadvantage is that vinyl tends to be more expensive than other types of siding.

If you are looking for an affordable option, then wood may be a better choice for you. Wood siding is attractive and relatively easy to maintain. It can also withstand weather conditions well, making it a good choice for areas where weather protection is important. However, wood does have some downsides as well. One downside is that wood siding can be less durable than other types of siding options. It may not last as long as vinyl or concrete siding, and it may require more maintenance overall.

Concrete siding is a popular choice for those who are looking for a long-lasting option. Concrete siding is strong and weather resistant, making it a good choice for areas that see a lot of weather conditions. One downside to concrete siding is that it can be expensive. It may also require more maintenance than other types of siding.

How Much Does Siding Cost?

There is no one answer to this question. Each type of siding has its own specific cost. You will need to consult with a local siding contractor to get a precise estimate. However, here are some general guidelines on how much different types of siding can cost:

Vinyl Siding: Vinyl siding can cost anywhere from $200 to $4,000.

Wood Siding: Wood siding can cost anywhere from $200 to $6,000.

Fiberglass Siding: Fiberglass siding can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000.

Concrete Siding: Concrete siding can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $7,500.

Warranty Options:

When you purchase siding, you may be wondering what warranty options are available. There are a few different types of warranties available, and each has its own specific benefits and restrictions. Here are the most common warranty options:

Installation Warranty: This is the most common warranty option. It typically covers the installation of your new siding. The warranty usually lasts for one year, but can be extended if required.

Brick or Stone Siding Warranty: This warranty covers damage caused to your new siding due to water or other weather conditions. The warranty typically lasts for two years.

Wood Veneer Siding Warranty: This warranty covers damage caused to your new siding due to insects or moisture. The warranty typically lasts for one year.


If you are considering a new home or want to update your current home, then siding is likely one of the most important upgrades you will make. Not only does it add beauty and functionality to your home, but it can also help protect it from weather damage. To get an accurate estimate on how much siding costs and find the best deal for your needs, contact our team today. We would be more than happy to provide you with a quote and help guide you through the process!

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