How Much Does It Cost To Replace Siding?

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Siding?

As homeowners, we all want our houses to look their best. Unfortunately, that means taking care of the exterior—especially when it comes to things like siding. If your house is starting to show its age, it might be time to replace some of the siding. But before you start shelling out serious cash, take a look at these cost-calculating guidelines. Not only will this help you stay within your budget, but it’ll also give you a better idea of what kind of materials and colors would work best for your home.

Cost of Labor

When it comes time to replace siding, there are a few factors to consider. The main cost is labor, but materials also add up quickly. Here’s a breakdown of the costs:

Labor: The average cost of labor for a small job like replacing siding is around $275. This price can vary based on location, expertise needed and other factors.

Materials: When it comes to materials, the most expensive part of replacing siding is usually the vinyl or wood sheets. These can run anywhere from $50 per sheet for inexpensive vinyl versions to well over $200 for high-quality wood panels. In between, you’ll find lots of options with prices ranging from $75 to $175 per square foot.

Tools & Supplies: You’ll also need some basic tools like a saw and measuring tape. And if you’re working on a large project like replacing entire walls, you’ll likely need a lot more – including things like jigsaws, hammers and drill bits. Expect to spend around $100 on supplies alone.

Total Cost: When it comes to replacing just the siding on a small house, the final cost can range from around $1,500 to $2,500. For a larger job, like replacing an entire wall, the cost can easily reach $5,000 or more.

Cost of Materials

When it comes to replacing your home’s siding, the cost of materials can vary depending on the type of siding and where you live. Here are some average costs for common types of siding: Vinyl Siding – On average, vinyl siding costs around $8 per square foot to replace. This includes labor and materials. Wood Siding – With proper preparation, wood siding can last anywhere from 20 to 25 years without needing replacement. However, this type of siding can cost upwards of $60 to $80 per square foot to replace. Stone/Cement Siding – As with wood, cement/stone siding can last anywhere from 20 to 25 years without requiring replacement. However, this type of siding can cost upwards of $120 per square foot to replace.

Estimated Cost to Replace Siding

Every house is different, so it’s tough to give an exact ballpark estimate of how much it costs to replace siding. However, if you’re looking at a typical single-family home, the average cost per square foot is around $2-$3. This includes everything from the actual siding materials to the labor and cleanup fees. If you’re considering a more extensive remodel, including updating the roof and gutters, you can expect your overall cost to increase significantly. Ultimately, it’s important to get an accurate estimate of what work will be required before getting started; overpaying for something that doesn’t need to be done could end up costing you more in the long run.


If you’re looking to replace your siding, it’s important to know exactly what you need and how much it will cost. Our team of experts can help you figure out what type of siding is right for your home, as well as which materials will be the most affordable and efficient for your project. With a little bit of preparation, replacing your siding should be a relatively easy task that won’t break the bank.

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